Automatic Phase & Neutral Balancing System is a three phase system which is installed near the load at low voltage supply line between phases and neutral i.e. parallel to the impedance. APNBS due to its magnetic symmetry tries to establish neutral point symmetrical with respect to phase voltages. The effect in turn reduces the difference between unequal voltages in three phases and reduces the neutral current.

Technical Specifications
Input Supply Line Voltage : 415 / 440 V, 3-Phase with Neutral (4-Wire)
 Frequency (Hz) 50Hz +/- 6%
Principle of Working Magnetic Symmetry
Phase Angle : Maintains phase angle 120 degree
Avoid Hazards of Neutral Breakage Provide / Generate Neutral even if there is a break in input Neutral
Equalizing Phase Voltages Magnetic Symmetry reduce the difference 40 to 60 % between unequal phase voltages.
 Input Neutral Current Reduces the Input Neutral current
Phase Generation In case failure of one phase it Generates the third phase when only two phase and neutral are available.
Energy Saving Reduces neutral current, equalizing voltages and balancing the current, maintains magnetic symmetry result in reduce power loss in distribution cables and saves energy
 Over load / short circuit protection Provided MCCB / MCB
 Neutral over current trip protection Provided
Measurements Provided Digital Seven Segments display with auto scanning VAF meter for measurement of the Voltage, Current and Frequency of all three Phases.
Model and Type of Unit Oil cooled , ONAN ( Oil Natural Air Natural cooling)
Oil moisture protection Provided Silica Gel based breather to protect the oil from moisture
Better Quality Power PNBS provides better power quality by equalizing phase voltages, maintains phase angle symmetry, minimizes the neutral current and ensure no fluctuation in voltage on sudden loading and provide better protection to sensitive equipments.